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'George wasn't that experienced in sex scenes': Co-star reveals how.
Michael Clayton (Widescreen Edition) ~ George Clooney DVD $6.43 .. He also befriends Clara, a prostitute (Violante Placido, perfectly comfortable with. leading to a showdown that plays like a scene from an old Western, a debt Corbijn.
George Clooney got the jitters during the love scene with Violante Placido. Director Anton Corbijn is actually better-known for his photography and music videos.
George Clooney e Violante Placido: coppia bollente! - Bing Videos.
violante placido scena george clooney
La Violante Placido nuda (con George Clooney) che piace tanto agli.The American - Love Story - Violante Placido & George. - XVideos.
George Clooney e Violante Placido: coppia bollente! - Bing Videos.
Michael Clayton (Widescreen Edition) ~ George Clooney DVD $6.43 .. He also befriends Clara, a prostitute (Violante Placido, perfectly comfortable with. leading to a showdown that plays like a scene from an old Western, a debt Corbijn.
Clooney e Violante Placido a letto insieme. - Gossip - Donna.
Sep 4, 2010. PHOTOS: Sexy Italian Actress Violante Placido is the Only Highlight of George Clooney's 'American. Thinking about seeing the new George.
Add your own comments to "George Clooney (Jack), Violante Placido (Clara)" from tobisfilm on Myspace. Social entertainment powered by the passions of fans.
By all accounts, one of the key moments in The American is a hot-and-heavy love scene between George Clooney and Violante Placido. What you might not.
George Clooney > Videos BETA > The American [x] > Violante Placido [x]. George Clooney (12); Violante Placido (12) [X]; Thekla Reuten (12); Irina Björklund.
Actors: George Clooney, Paolo Bonacelli, Violante Placido, Thekla Reuten. Ha delle scene serie erotiche che possono o non offendere degli spettatori.
<i>The American</i>: 5 Things Men Should Know - AskMen.
Violante Placido - IMDb.